This year, Greeks all over the world are celebrating the 200th anniversary since our revolution for Independence which resulted in our freedom and self-determination and allowed us to have a Historic continuity. The Greek Community of Victoria & Vancouver Island proudly participates in the global celebration of Hellenism.
It all started on March 25th 1821 and many things have happened in those 200 year. Greece has changed significantly since then (socially, economically, in size), faced challenges and experienced great changes wins and disappointments, always inspired by the heroes of 1821 and the achievements of our History.
The Hellenic Nation all over the world (Greece, Cyprus, Diaspora) is paying tribute to the Heroes that sacrificed their lives 200 years ago and the ones that they inspired in the National Struggles that followed.

Read about the Revolution of 1821:
Other Resources:
- Greece 2021 Committee's site
- Modern History of Greece
- Vancouver Greek Communities
People & Events from the Revolution Era
(click on images for more)
In the following 200 years many left their mark
(click on images for more)

Media Coverage
Our celebration has had plenty of media coverage.
Local TV media covered our wreath placement at the memorial at the Legislature and the flag ceremony in Saanich.
Interview of Jim Koutougos from CFAX
Interview of Jim Koutougos from CBC Radio
Interview of Yiannis Lapidakis from Times Colonist
Interview of Tim Petropoulos from CTV Victoria
How did we celebrate on March 25th

We are very grateful to many municipalities and other public offices for their supporting our National Day celebration.
A proclamation for this day has been decided by the municipalities of Victoria, Langford, Esquimalt and Colwood
The Greek Flag will be raised by the the Provincial Legislature and municipalities of Campbell River, Saanich, Ladysmith, and Nanaimo.
The Legislature will be illuminating in blue its fountains