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We are currently working on an extensive genealogical project documenting the people and history of our community dating back to Juan De Fuca (Ioannis 'John' Fokas). The project includes digitalization of photos, and documents of the communities history. Through we are creating a visual representation of the communities family tree in order for future generations to trace back their roots.If you would like to take part in the project and have your genealogy documented please download the history questionnaire on the bottom, or contact us to arrange a interview.


Greek Heritage Museum Database

We have a data base! For years we have been collecting information about Greeks and their experiences as immigrants to Vancouver Island. It has now been uploaded to our web site <> and linked to the community’s web site. We will be adding data about individuals and families over the winter. Wade King, a second year Computer Science student at UVic, did the work finding an open source data base and making it work for our information. His work was supported by a YoungCanadaWorks grant and the board of the Victoria & Vancouver Island Greek Community Society.

As with any new collection of data there will be errors and searchers are invited to share the ones they find with the curator


Your donation makes it possible for us to document and preserve the Greek culture and history of Victoria. Your donation, or loan to the museum supports everything we do from exhibitions and education to conservations and acquisitions.  


Your donation is 100% tax deductible. For further questions or discussion please contact us. 



* Donation Policy- Documents or other items that do not fit the policy will not be accepted for physical storage or will be disposed of depending on the item, whenever possible to be repurposed.Permission to exhibit and share information, documents or items is implied when the donor/contact provides that data/item.Every effort will be made to ensure data is accurate but if errors are discovered they will be corrected when substantiated.Contact information will be suppressed if requested by the subject(s)


Victoria & Vancouver Island Greek Community Society

4648 Elk Lake Drive

V8Z 5M1

(250) 479-9391

© 2016 by Victoria and Vancouver Island Greek Community Society

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